So i don't know if i've mentioned that wyoming sucks, well it does. They say most year it snows, starting in AUGUST and continueing until June!!!!!!! How retarded is that i mean seriously whose idea was this! so since we have finally got a few days of warm weather i am veery excited and wanted to share my fun even though i am aware that the rest of you have all been experiencing the blis of summer for sometime now!
turns out hoses are much harder than water fountains!
move back to utah! then he could be doing cute things like this for like four months every year!
hehehe, isn't it funny how babies and old men look the same. The picture where you can see him w/ his green shorts on is a glimpse into the future when he'll be an old man watering the lawn. (but don't worry, you don't have to think about him growing up yet...)
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