Monday, July 14, 2008

Tag all about me

5 things I need to do this week:
1. sort through jamie's toys Again, and put some in storage
2. pay bills
3. clean the house
4. get milk
5. bake cookies

5 snacks I enjoy eating:
1. that chex vanilla nut miix
2. apples and fruit dip
3. mike and ike (the berry kind)
4. cereal
5. pretty much anything with sugar

5 things I'd do if I became a billionaire:
1. we'd probably buy lots of broken houses and fix them
2. go on a cruise
3.also a boat, a truck, and a fifth wheel
4. help someone
5. invest in the stock market

5 places I've lived:
1. sacramento california
2. los alamos nm
3. clovis nm
4. provo, ut
5. south weber ut

5 jobs I've had:
1. sandwich artist lol
2. tele sales
3. tele support
4. cashier
5. mommy

5 things you may not know about me:
1. i can't sleep alone
2. i have actually learned to like a tad of christmas cheer
3. my cleaning "music" is the nanny, full house, or the cosby show
4. when i have "grown up cereal" i still add sugar to my milk
5. i am incredibly boring

Tag danielle

1 comment:

kaitlyn.e said...

ummm you forgot your 5 favorite bands.

i miss the nanny and full house and the cosby show